Personalized, Risk-based Glycemic Control in the ICU

Glucomeo transforms insulin and nutrition therapy with tailored, risk-based clinical decision support, optimizing glucose control to improve patient outcomes, streamline nursing workflows, and significantly reduce costs.

Leveraging digital twins technology, Glucomeo identifies real-time, patient-specific insulin sensitivity and predicts individual responses to treatment—ensuring precise insulin and nutrition dosing.

Glucomeo Dashboard

Why Choose Nutromeo?

Clinical Results using Glucomeo™

📊 80% Efficacy:
Track patient intake dynamically, including oral, enteral and parenteral feeding, but also all IV perfusions (incl. propofol).
🩸 0.004% Hypoglycemia:
Monitor weight and key biometrics evolution over time to trigger personalized alarms and reminders.
🍎️ 85% Nutrition Goal:
Ensure precise nutrition targeting with different calculators based on ESPEN guidelines and common methods.
⏱️ 36% protocol time reduction:
Optimize macro and micronutrient intake as well as fluid balance by mixing nutrition types to have a clear nutrition strategy.
📑 33% reduced workload :
Automate reporting and analytics in standardized format while improving reimbursement through high quality compliance.
🔄 20% reduced human errors:
Sync seamlessly with hospital eletronic health records to optimize your experience and individualize patient follow-up.

* Publication links:
Stewart K. et al., Safety, efficacy and clinical generalization of the STAR protocol: a retrospective analysis, 2016.
Stewart K. et al., Nutrition delivery of a model-based ICU glycaemic control system, 2018.
Uyttendaele V. et al., Clinical trial validation of the STAR-3D glycemic control framework, 2023.

Who uses Glucomeo™?

Glucomeo™ has treated over 2500 adult ICU patients to date in 4 hopitals across the world:
- Christchurch, New Zealand (where it is now the standard of care)
- Liège, Belgium (where it will soon be the standard of care)
- Gyula, Hungary
- Kuantan, Malaysia

We are also currently undertaking clinical trials in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU).

Want to use Glucomeo™ and be in the list? Happy to take part in our clinical trials? Flick us an email!

What Users Say

“We rely on Glucomeo and Nutromeo for all our ICU patients, giving us real-time insights into glycemia and nutritional status. This all-in-one solution helps us understand the complex relationship between glucose, insulin, and nutrition intake, leading to significantly improved patient outcomes and reduced care costs. Lives were saved thanks to personalized glucose control and nutrition therapy.”

– Dr. Geoff S., Head of ICU at Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand

"We believed our ICU had no issues with glucose control, until we took a closer look. We realized that, despite targeting higher conventional ranges, we were still experiencing excessive hypoglycemic events.
With Glucomeo, every patient now receives safe and effective glucose management, and adverse events are automatically reported and analyzed for continuous quality improvement."

– Dr. Balasz B., Gyula Hospital, Hungary

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